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Also as of a fairly recent change, no soulbound items for the hard core server Free trade (.. Comment by Hadorne This drops from the Four Horsemen in Naxxramas This sword isn't that great especially because of the -25 stamina.. May 11, 2017 Added dirty hack to prevent a Blizzard issue from causing dialog errors to pop up.. Betrayed by my order Destroyed by Kel'Thuzad Suffer pain to serve My son watched me die.. Genuinely creepy stuff The voice is Morgraine's, with Kel'thuzad underneath it.. The only place I can think of is back in Illidans Black Temple Since he has taken use from corrupted fell orcs, I guess a VERY low droprate, maybe close to same droprate as Bindings or Eye of Sulf, just from some special mobs.. It has a cool story to it and is an enjoyable quest to undertake Especially when you go into Scarlet Monastery and everyone bows down to you if you have it equipped.. Ago (7 children) I really wonder how much money they made back when it was still named wow awakening.. No gold or account selling hacks/dupes, these posts will result in an immediate ban. cea114251b